
CoLab Project: Lazyfish for KID x The Son of Cobra

本月最讓人期待的 Lazyfish for KID x The Son of Cobra 聯名系列即將登場!

Lazyfish for KID

今度春季,LAZYFISH 首度攜手旅居洛杉磯的法國衝浪潑墨藝術家 Paul Lefevre  ,以 KID 林柏昇為藍本,全新設計出圍繞在「THE UNIVERSE IS MY LIMIT」概念的「 Galaxy 系列」蛙鞋。

曾有人説 「天空才是極限」,但對KID來說 「宇宙才是他的極限」。 Circus Kid 從出道以來就以「瘋面」「無極限」「沒有不可能的事」強烈的展現了他的瘋狂,而這位狂熱份子不只是瘋狂,更渴望追尋生命,KID走入了深藍世界,上山下海,享受生活。

「Galaxy」設計概念以:Lazyfish 是雙恆久且隨著使用痕跡更加展現出歷史情懷的蛙鞋,並延續了大自然元素,融合The Son of Cobra 精細的潑墨藝術,創造出宇宙神秘的氛圍。最後運用特殊印刷技術,將獨一無二的創作,細緻加工處理在蛙鞋上。

左、右腳的圖騰拼接出無限的宇宙,配色上採用 LAZYFISH 於 2018 年第一雙聯名蛙鞋「MARBLE Carbon 」的黑白色主調延伸,減去所有文字,僅在背面放上雙方 Logo,賦予 「Galaxy」 更無限的新生命力。

Sensation for Divers’ Fins: Lazyfish for KID x The Son of Cobra Collaboration IS READY FOR YOU!

Lazyfish is delighted to announce the cooperation with Paul Lefevre, a resin swirl French Artist based in LA, for designing the brand-new “Galaxy Carbon Collection “ in spring 2020.
The concept for the new model with the inspiration of ”THE UNIVERSE IS MY LIMIT,” which echoed by KID, the endorser (Well-known Taiwanese actor who is fond of diving) of “Lazyfish for KID.” “The eagerness of chasing dreams and goals without any boundary “ is the shared value by both Lazyfish and KID.

Sea is where without any boundary;
Sea is an unlimited area to chase any possibility.

Lazyfish, established in 2018, has been dedicated to design and provide high-quality fins for divers. Combining @thesonofcobra ’s powerful and aesthetic style with our brand spirit to enhance our core minimalist message: When speed meets style.

Galaxy 三方聯名旅行短蛙鞋
Galaxy 三方聯名旅行短蛙鞋


LAZYFISH首次三方聯名Galasy系列將邀請生活在地球上的您一起攜手為地球發聲!本次限量聯名系列將以銷售利潤部分回饋給 Karmagawa-Save the reef 計畫。


此團隊與Lazyfish 三方聯名 Galasy 系列有著相同的核心價值 — “The universe is my limit.” 假如宇宙才是極限,那我們都能用自己的力量保護地球。這次,我們將投入Karmagawa-Save The Reef計畫,協助世界各地珊瑚海洋保護團體的珊瑚復育行動,而拯救世界的關鍵,在於地球上7大洲的 “我們”。

Let’s be the voice for our planet

Lazyfish’s latest “Galaxy Fins Collection” is delighted to invite you as the voice for protecting the precious planet we are living in with Karmagawa,a social charity community to save the global environment.

Shared the same value,”The universe is my limit”, with Lazyfish, Karmagawa has been dedicated in saving the planet, especially rescuing at sea. Importantly, Karmagawa keeps spreading core messages by encouraging people to do the good deeds with good will.

“The more good things you do, the more positive results, outcomes will happen to the world”.

Therefore, Lazyfish is happy to join Karmagawa’s “Save The Reef” and part of the profits from the latest “Galaxy Fins Collection” will donate to this program for contributing our efforts to “save the reef” together.

Taking the action is the best path to show our care to our environment, and our one and the only earth.

we are part of the universe
we are part of the universe

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