1/18-2/3 因應過年假期,暫停出貨。






  • 會籍效期為自升級日起算一年。期間如果獲得再次升級,則重新計算一年。
  • 當各會員級別的會籍效期屆滿,將會依您在該級效期內的消費金額重新計算新會員級別。






* LAZYFISH 保有變更或增修會員政策之權利。於官網公告即生效力。

The LAZY CLUB is designed to create a global community of passionate free divers.
Whether you are training to challenge yourself, diving for fun or it’s a life style.
Bring your LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card to the following partner stores to enjoy exclusive member benefits.
Unlimited Diving| Lifestyle


Diving in the city

  • Present your LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card at DIVECUBE when purchasing "Certified Diving/Fun Dive" to enjoy a special members' discount of 1080/person on weekdays and 1200/person on weekends.
  • 持LAZYFISH會員卡至 DIVECUBE 消費「體驗潛水/Experience Dive」即可享有平日2100/人、假日2400/人之會員優惠。
  • Present your LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card at DIVECUBE when booking accommodation to enjoy exclusive discounts. For more details, please inquire at the DIVECUBE during the reservation process.
  • lease inform us of your LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card during the reservation process and be prepared to present it upon entry.
  • The above promotional offers are not applicable on national holidays, special designated holidays, and consecutive holidays. The validity period for LAZYFISH member benefits is until December 31, 2023.會員優惠有效期截至2024/12/31。



Present your LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card at Swell Co. Cafe to enjoy exclusive benefits.
For takeaway coffee, enjoy a buy-one-get-one-free offer with your LAZYFISH lazy club membership card at Swell Co. Cafe.
Please present your LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card at the time of purchase.

Liuqiu Antique Tea House

Experience nature, stay green: An eco-friendly hotel committed to nature conservation.

present your LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card when calling in advance or at the time of visiting Liuqiu Antique Tea House.
Book through Facebook and enjoy a 20% discount on your reservation.
Please present your LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card at the time of purchase.


Coral Vacation

sunlight, fresh air, water

 present your LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card when calling in advance or at the time of visiting Coral Vacation.
Book through Facebook and enjoy a 20% discount on your reservation.
Please present your LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card at the time of purchase.

KID Hualien Hostel

Heading to KID Hualien!

present your LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card when calling in advance or at the time of visiting KID Hualien Hostel.
Book through Facebook and enjoy a 50 NTD discount on your reservation.
Please present your LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card at the time of purchase.


THat day Lanyu

Let all the stories begin from that day.

present your LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card when calling in advance or at the time of visiting That day lanyu.
Book through Facebook and enjoy a 100 NTD discount with breakfast included on your reservation
Please present your LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card at the time of purchase.


A Japanese Wetsuit Brand Spanning Half a Century

Present your LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card at MOBBY’S TAIWAN Shilin official store.
(By appointment only, please call or message in advance for reservations)
You can enjoy a 10% discount on all items at MOBBY’S with your LAZYFISH lazy club membership.


Members holding LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card can contact LAZYFISH official customer service to enjoy a 15% discount on one purchase of LAZYFISH fins. This discount is exclusive to the cardholder and limited to one pair per transaction. Please be advised that issuance of LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership cardwill cease after utilizing this discount.


  • 計算方式為:自購買產品日起永久有效。
  • 凡於2018年10月10日前已經購買LAZYFISH 蛙鞋之消費者,THE LAZY CLUB 會員資格,均以2018年10月10日為起始日。
  • 於實體通路消費之會員請與實體通路確認THE LAZY CLUB 會員資格。
  • If you have not received THE LAZY CLUB membership qualification due to discrepancies in member information, please notify our company promptly. This will facilitate a quick inquiry or update of your relevant information. If members fail to update their information correctly and as a result do not receive notifications of related benefits sent by our company, it will be considered that the member has received such information or notifications in this circumstance.

LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card Usage Guidelines:

  • Members must present this card and valid identification when making purchases at the aforementioned partner stores. This is necessary for identity verification in order to avail exclusive discounts and perks.
  • LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card is strictly for personal use and is non-transferable. It cannot be used by others for reservation or purchases. If it is found that the card is used by someone other than the cardholder, all related discount charges must be refunded upon verification.
  • he cardholder is responsible for the safekeeping of the membership card, and reissuance of LAZYFISH LAZY CLUB membership card is not permitted.

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